originally from Napa, California...I studied  photography at Napa Valley College in the 90s and worked with top local pros

I had considered myself a "Purist of Monochrome Print Making"...spending countless hours in the dark room producing magnificent silver gelatin prints, each distinctly unique and original, printed on exquisite fiber based
archival papers

then in the summer of 2003 a strange phenomenon occurred...after moving to SW Florida  I discovered
that I had been seduced...by the brilliant subtropical light...the radiant colors...the lush native flora...the sensual landscape that is Florida

I remain devoted to film and still continue to be
intrigued by the limitless subtleties of The Negative
my cameras are manual focus 35mm and the medium
format rangefinder

however, I do now scan the negatives...
incorporating digital technology with
traditional... maintaining full control
of each phase...shooting, developing,
scanning, editing, printing, framing



Naples Art Association www.naplesart.org
United Arts Council www.CollierArtscom


Founders, the Von Liebig 2008, 2009
Art Encounter, the Von Liebig 2009
Downtown Naples Art Festivals 2010, 2011
Celebrate the Arts, Marco Island 2011


Sweet Arts Gallery www.thesweetartgalleryl.com